الجمعة - 15 - رمضان - 1446

الجمعة-14 مارس 2025 - 11:03 ص

Aden History

17 نوفمبر, 2022 08:10:50 ص

Historyof Imam Sheikh Al-Aidarous (Al-Adani), founder of the city of Aden

(about six hundred years ago)

Adenis that great city that many historians and those who are interested in thenobility of its people, its prosperity and its social fabric throughout thehistorical stages and its connection to the history of Aden posts.

Thehistory of the Sheikhs of Al-Aidarous has been linked to the history of thefounding of the ancient city of Aden since it was adopted by the beloved Imam Al-QutbAl-Nassib Sheikh / Abu Bakr (Al-Adani) bin Abdullah Al-Aidarous, "GoodGod, Tharaa", who laid its foundations and basic features and prepared thefactors for its prosperity through his great works that had a great impact. Insocial life and in other different aspects, and since the death of Imam Sheikh/ Abu Bakr bin Abdullah Al-Aidarous, to whom several nicknames have beenattached, including the nickname “Al-Adani” in relation to Aden, it was like acity that I do not remember except with it, Al-Aidarous, which occupied a widepopular and official position in particular. The Al-Aidaros family rises andrises and stands out in the rank of representative of the appearance of thegentlemen Bani Hashem, and it is known that the position of the Al-Aidarosfamily in Aden has remained as tall as the mountains over the centuries, andthis position has played an active role in all the events that Aden witnessedfrom the ninth and tenth centuries until our present time.


The History of the House ofAl Aidarous

The history of the House of Al Aidarous extends through the middle and modernages whose roots run back to the revered tribe of Bani Hashim (the household ofProphet Mohamed the Messenger of Allah). The house of Al Aidarous (theHashemite) is traced back to Sheikh Abu Bakr Bin Abdullah Al Aidarous who wasalso known as the Al Adani Al Hashemy and the founder of the city of Aden andwho is a direct descendent from Prophet Mohamed Bin Abdullah the Messenger ofAllah.
Therefore, we shall enumerate the history of the house of Al Aidarousparticularly their grandpa Imam Sheikh Abu Bakr Bin Abdullah Al Aidarous asstated hereunder.
His Lineage
Sheikh Abu Bakr Bin Abdullah Al Aidarous Bin Abi Bakr AL Sakran Bin SheikhAbdul Rahman Al Saqaf Bin Sheikh Mohamed Moula A Dowailah and is a descendentfrom Imam Ali Zain Al Abedin the son of Imam Hussain A1 Sebt the son of Ali BinAbi Taleb and Fatema AL Zahra the daughter of PrOphet Mohamed the Messenger ofAllah.
His son was the leader of Al Alawieen (the Hashemites) and their imam. He wasborn in Treem in 811 AH and he memorized the Holy Quran by heart and devotedhis life to learning and teaching. His father passed away when he was ten yearsold and was raised by his uncle who was keen to help him to continue to seekknowledge and a deeper understanding of Islamic jurisprudence.
His Birth and Upbringing
He was born in Treem City (Hadramout) in 852 AH - 1448 AD, he memorized theHoly Quran by heart as a child and received his education in Treem by plethoraof scholars and jurists of the highest caliber at that time. This upbringinghelped him continue the path of his father and he began travelling aroundHadramout to Al Shahr, Doan then to Zubaid, Bait A1 Faquih and he performed thepilgrimage to Mecca twice during his life. On his return from the secondpilgrim, he Visited the Port of Zilaa (Somalia) then travelled to Al Hadida,Taaz and Lahj. His devoutness was associated with good traits which won him asignificant followership and disciples and students and a renowned reputationaround the Islamic World. His life was rich with achievements and acts ofgenerosity in social reform and building peace between warring factions.
His Character
Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Aidarous was known for his generosity and keenness to helpthe poor. His father was the first to receive the title A1 Aidarous which isone of the Arabic words for the lion. The legacy of his character and lifecontinued after his departure on the 14th of Shawal year 914 AH / 1508 AD byhis household including his grandson Sheikh Zain Bin Hassan Al Aidarous.
Among the historic events that Al Aidarous sheikhs were keen to establish afterthe departure of their grandfather Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Aidarous was the annualevent and celebration observed by the people of Aden to mark the first arrivalof Al Aidarous to Aden and which is not his death anniversary as many believe.This celebration is marked by the people of Aden until this day where followersand devotees from Yemen, neighboring counties and the horn of Africa Visit hisshrine on this day every year.
 The NationalRole of the House of Al Aidarous

SheikhAbu Bakr Bin Abdullah Al Aidarous fought to defend Aden(1513) against thePortuguese military campaigns to invade Aden using his influence, charisma andstrong ties with the house of Taher.

Historic manuscripts including Tareekh Al Shahr by A1 Tayeb Al Faqih andHistory of the Isles of Yemen by Hamza Luqman, Highlights on the MaritimeHistory of Yemen by Hassan Shebab and History of Hadramout were a testament onthe strong relationship between Sheikh Abu Bakr Bin Abdullah Al Aidarous andSultan Amer Bin Abdul Wahab and that the latter was a faithful follower of AlAidarous.

Thisstrong relationship served to strengthen the fighters resisting the Portugueseinvasion which was ultimately foiled in 1513 AD. However the Portuguesecontinued plotting to take over Aden using subterfuge and deceit thatculminated in 1517 AD.

Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Aidarous loved Aden and strove to build an Islamic utopiathat was embodied in the Al Aidarous mosque which is a symbol of the city. Heand Aden became synonym and he became the chaperon and defender of the citythat revered him for his devoutness, piousness and vast knowledge,sagaciousness and jurisprudence. His legacy of compassion,
ultraism, modesty, knowledge and the services of the people of Aden and Islamis survived by the House of Al Aidarous and this grand and great grandchildrento this day to maintain the status of the descendants of Prophet Mohamed theMessenger of Allah through the Nineteenth Century and till this day.

The National Role Played by the House of Al Aidarous(from 1838 until 1967 AD)

Thefight to defend Aden continued after the Imam Abu Bakr Al Aidarous departeduntil the British colonialism on 1839 AD when Britain found the long awaitedpretext to invade Aden on 1837 AD when its ship Daria Dawlat carrying MuslimPilgrims who were looted and harassed beached on the shores of Sirah . SheikhAlawi Bin Zain Al Aidarous rushed the relief but this incident was quicklyfollowed by military retaliation by Britain against the Port of Aden. Thisincident was chronicled and the subject of a PhD and a book by Prof. SheikhSultan Al Qasim the Ruler of Sharjah. On January 73_, 1893, British warship Kutanchored in the waters of Aden and received an envoy representing the people ofAden headed by Sheikh Alawi Bin Zain Al Aidarous and his son Sheikh Zain BinAlawi AI Aidarous who met with Captain Hense to negotiate the interest of thecity. The book The International Fight for Aden and the Egyptian Role,describes the instrumental role played by Sheikh Zain to negotiate an end tothe naval siege of Aden and defuse the standoff.

The House of Al Aidarous continued to play a pivotal role and shape the historyof Aden by being at the forefront of social, legal, national and politicalmilestone events and laying the first foundations for the judicial, educationaland health institutions of Aden and other parts of the Yemen and the ArabianPeninsula.

The national role of the House of Al Aidarous continued after the end of theBritish rule of Aden and the sheikhs strove to ensure the stability and continuityof social life and to spare the Aden numerous crises during and after theBritish rule of Aden. This was documented by the British press on manyoccasions including on January 2nd, 1956 when the British Gazette
described Sheikh Zain Bin Hassan Al Aidarous as the chaperon of the city ofAden and its people. On January 1_, 1964 the British press wrote that SheikhAbu Bakr Al Aidarous is the legitimate ruler of Aden, which confirms that Adenand its history are closely connected with Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Aidarous AlHashemy.

The HistoricalChronology of the House of Al Aidarous
* Sheikh Ahmed Al Masawy Bin Abi Bakr Al Aidarous, died in Mecca on 922 AH(144.7A D). ,
* Sheikh Mohamed Bin Abdullah Bin Abi Bakr Al Aidarous, died in Mecca on 978 AH(1503 AD).
* Sheikh Omar Bin Abdullah Bin Abi Bakr Al Aidarous, died in Aden on 1000 AH(1525 AD).
* Sheikh Mohamed Bin Omar Bin Abdullah Bin Abi Bakr Al Aidarous, died in Aden.
* Sheikh Ahmed Bin Omar Bin Abdullah Al Aidarous, died in Aden.
* Sheikh Mohamed Bin Ahmed Bin Omar Bin Abdullah A1 Aidarous, died in Aden.
* Sheikh Alawi Bin Zain Bin Mohamed AI Aidarous, died in Aden.
* Sheikh Zain Bin Alawi Bin Zain Bin Abi Bakr A1 Aidarous, died in Aden.
* Sheikh Alawi Bin Zain Bin Alawi Bin Zain Bin Abdullah A1 Aidarous, died inAden.
* Sheikh Zain Bin Alawi Bin Zain Bin Alawi Bin Zain A1 Aidarous, died in Aden.
* Aidarous Bin Zain Bin Alawi AI Aidarous, took over the seat as of 1902 ADuntil his death on 1927 AD 12.
* Sheikh Shams Al Olamaa Bin Abdullah Bin Aidarous Bin Zain Al Aidarous, tookover the seat as of 1927 AD  1948 AD 13.
* Sheikh Zain Bin Hassan Bin Aidarous A1 Aidarous, took over the seat as of1948 AD May 1960 AD 14.
* Sheikh Abu Bakr Bin Abdullah, Bin Aidarous Bin Zain A1 Aidarous, took overthe seat as of 1960 AD  1966 AD.
* Sheikh Abdullah Bin Aidarous Bin Zain A1 Aidarous, took over the seat as 1966AD  1972 AD 16.
* Sheikh Moustafa Bin Zain Bin Hasan Bin Aidarous Bin Zain Bin Alawi Bin ZainAl Aidarous, tool over the seat on 1972 AD until today.